Starting a new chapter in your life, confronting challenges, or just making a decision requires faith. Faith in the context of believing in the possibility of a desired outcome (hopefully a better outcome). Today, I am reminded of a Martin Luther King, Jr quote, "Faith is taking the first step even if you don't see the whole staircase". Sometimes I feel we minimize the courage of a first step because we are focused more on the desired outcome. Take a moment and close your eyes for five seconds (only if it feels safe for you). Just by closing your eyes causes vulnerability. Some of your other senses may have kicked in to make up for what you couldn't see. Your mind started to process what you could hear, what you could feel, and also try to figure out what was the point of you closing your eyes (maybe that was just for me lol).
When we talk that "faith talk", it comes with all of the good vibes and positivity. Words like hopefulness, expectancy, motivation, inspiration, courage, and so on. Now don't get me wrong, there are some of us that can embrace those descriptions with ease and there are also some of us who see those words far in the distance of our reach. The fact is that although faith brings hope it also shows us where we are fearful, insecure, and vulnerable. This is my theory, faith and fear cannot co-exist. If faith is present there is no fear and if fear is present there is no faith. I believe talking the talk is half of the battle. After you finishing talking then you actually have to move into action. You know the phrase... Talk the talk and walk the walk.
So if you are about to take your first step or your next step in faith, here are a few of my resilient tips to encourage you to keep walking.
Believe in Yourself. This is a Priority.
2. Let go of fear based thinking. Notice I didn't say don't have fear because let's be honest sometimes fear just shows up. Recognize it and let it go.

3. Breathe. Don't forget to breathe. A few benefits of breathing: decreases stress, increases energy, lowers blood pressure, and relieves pain.
This is Good! Great Website!